Menstrual Hygiene Day:
Breaking the taboos!
May 28 (28/05) is Menstrual Hygiene Day. This date is no coincidence.
Indeed, 28 represents the average number of days in a menstrual cycle, and 05 symbolizes the 05 days of average bleeding during menstruation.
The 2024 edition, celebrated under the theme “Period Friendly World”, emphasized, among other things, the need to break taboos, myths and prejudices surrounding menstruation.
Menstruation is a natural and scientific phenomenon that occurs in girls at puberty.
As parents, teachers, and leaders, we need to teach our daughters about menstrual hygiene, starting in nursery and primary school, and continuing beyond, to help them adopt the right practices when the time comes, and feel supported throughout this process and cycle.
As a young girl, it's important to manage your menstrual hygiene so as to:
- Prevent infections and body odor.
- Stay healthy.
- Feel comfortable and confident throughout the day.
In addition, it's important to make a free but responsible choice about the type of protection you use, based on your means, convictions, availability, environment, and hygiene conditions.