The vaccine to prevent cancer
HPV infections are very common, and can cause cervical cancer, which affects a part of a woman's body called the womb.
Some HPV infections can also lead to other cancers, such as those affecting the vulva, vagina, penis, anus, or the back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils.
It is important to note that people with weaker immune systems, like those living with HIV, are at a higher risk of getting HPV.
To stop the spread of HPV and to lower the chances of getting cancer, the vaccine is strongly recommended. With just one injection, you're protected from the “human papillomavirus” (HPV).
This vaccine is available in Cameroon and is administered to boys and girls at age 9.
Vaccine is a safe way to protect your health. HPV vaccines are safe. Since 2006, they have been given to over 80 million people in 121 countries.